القسم الادبي

تعبير انجليزي عن بر الوالدين , موضوع عن بر الوالدين بالانجليزي , عبارات قصيرة عن طاعة الوالدين مترجمة

Honouring Parents

Mother is a sacred shrine and the shrine of a great father!

Are you a bar for them?

Do you raise your voice in attended by the?

Do you consider them without consideration of mercy and love?
How to be honor your parents, and disobedience to avoid?

He says in his book: “And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him and dutiful to your parents” (1).

The residence of the parents and the matter is beyond human Drickh, no matter what effort the pen in the Statistics Major & Minor, it remains a minor Mnhsra Jellalhma for photography and their right to the children, and how not to be and why they are, and Emad and their corner for them to stay.

He has made parents all they were able to both material and moral support for care and upbringing of their children, and well-tolerated for the sake of that most troubles and difficulties and psychological stress and physical and can not be giving this to someone to give him a level that gives parents.

This is only considered Islam Attahma pursuant solemn holy Astojba him thanks and gratitude and it is obligatory for them rights over the children did not are obligatory for one to one at all, so that God Almighty century obey them and treat them kindly Powerful and unification directly, he said: “Worship Allah and join none with Him and dutiful to your parents” ( 2).

Because the credit to God is human after the parents, and thanks to care and be tender to them after thanks and praise of God, “and enjoined on man and his parents … to thank me and to your parents” (1).

Was considered the Holy disobedience to parents and obey them and to depart from sin and Marzathma Tjibra, where he was said Yahya Ibn Zakariya said: “The parents did not land a gigantic sticks” (2).

In a rights blessed, we find the right of the mother tongue of the Imam Ali bin Al-Hussein (p) the best expression and complete statement of sittings the greatness of the mother and Hmok sanctuary, in the words, and pictures Attaha accurately portray and detail say?: “The right of your mother know that it campaign which does not carry a one, and Otamtk from the fruit of her heart, does not feed a nobody, and had time Bsamaha and her sight and her hand and leg and hair and being announced and all the heart out upbeat mood, so the joy of Moplp (many Attayaha), potential for the Mkrohha and pain, weight and Gmha, even paid for you by the capacity and has driven you out to the land even but rested the saturation and the hungry are , and Tksok and naked, and Troyk and to suffer from, and will overshadow and sacrifice, and Tnamk Bbwsha, and Tlzzk sleep Borgaha, and her stomach you a bowl, lap you Eve, and her nipples you Sagaoua, and the same for you and meeting more, to start a free world and their response to you, Dunk, Vchla as much as it is estimated it only with the help of God Almighty. ”

The highlight here, the importance of the right of the mother through the detail and the statement made by the imam? So make it larger rights in his blessed, and more in his statement, urged honor her and recommended the boy to thank them, as is the divine commandment: “And We have enjoined man to his parents and his mother and here they are … to thank me and to your parents” (2).

And so was the commandment of the Prophet (saw) a man came to him and said: O Messenger of Allaah, Apr?

A (r): “Your mother.”

Said:? Then who?

A (r): “Your mother.”

He said: Then who?

A (r): “Your mother.”

He said: Then who?

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